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But bride even though Sally wanted to finally “come clean” with Cindy about the fact that she and her deceased father had been lovers, she just couldn’t bring herself to confess to her older sister that she had really been the one who had seduced her own father into having sex with her that very first time, as well as all the times after that. Take me to your bed and do what you want to blondes me.” Alec breathed hard. It was about the third or fourth week, and Danny went down to see Sophie out, like he did every day, when he left I was lay down with my legs of the bed, Beth was sat on me kissing me all over my face n neck, when Danny left she turned round, so her feet was at the edge of the bed with her back to me, she was fucking me hard with me Brides rising up n down fast to meet her, Danny came in she didn’t stop,